Blaisdell Blog
Blaisdell blog has moved here:
December 8, 2015|Aaron P. Blaisdell & James C. Denniston

I’ve decided to publish on this blog a paper that fellow graduate student (at the time) Jim Denniston and I wrote for our class research project in a course taught by Evolutionary Biologist David Sloan Wilson. Jim and I were Ph.D. students at SUNY Binghamton at the tim…
September 3, 2015|Aaron Blaisdell
We did it! We successfully raised $6,030 in 21 days, with still 9 days to go before the campaign closes! Here’s a link to the campaign website on You can go there to read about the proposed res…
Dear colleague Blaisdell!
As you seem also interested in comparative psy and hominization, I’d like to come in contact with you. For a visit card see my essay on “old-age-bias”:
And, as a pupil of K. Lorenz (yes he applied for NSDAP), I plea for a broadening of the concept “social” to include animals because of evolutionary priority of interspecific interaction before (eu)sociality, called the “other theory” in:
Sure your time management is tight..but maybe you can have a look at these ideas before I come to California visiting my son who started to organize startups in the valley: and visiting UCLA – to meet most fascinating people like you..hopefully.
Best wishes and greetings from Austria
Anton Fuerlinger –