Supplementary materials

Supplementary materials for:
Schroeder, Garlick, & Blaisdell (in press). ARENA 2.0: The next generation Automated Remote Environmental Navigation Apparatus to facilitate cross-species comparisons in behavior and cognition. Behavior Research Methods.
Link to DropBox folder containing files:
Contained in the DropBox folder are the following files:
Experimental Program.
Data and Video from Sessions for the following subjects:
Rat 1
Session 3 is from Experiment 1, Phase 1 (dwell time manipulation).
Excel file with full session data.
Video file of full session.
Session 20 is space generalization
Excel file with full session data.
Video file of full session.
Session 29 is stimulus generalization
Excel file with full session data.
Video file of full session.
Session 33 is first day with 5 options for preference test
Excel file with full session data.
Video file of full session.
Session 34 is day two when she was used to it
Excel file with full session data.
Video file of full session.
Darwin (Pigeon)
Session 26 – space generalization
Excel file with full session data.
Video file of full session.
Session 34 – stimulus generalization
Excel file with full session data.
Video file of full session.
Session 35 – preference test
Excel file with full session data.
Video file of one trial.